Christopher Andersen
Written By Chris Andersen
Director & Licensed Insolvency Practitioner
July 12th, 2023

There may be occasions when your client’s circumstances fall outside the scope of services and advice that you can offer. They may require specialist professional guidance from a licenced Insolvency Practitioner. We provide free consultations with both you and your client.

The warning signs…

  • Clients are facing cash-flow difficulties or have negative reserves
  • Clients are faced with a winding-up petition from HMRC or other creditors
  • Bank borrowing is at the limit
  • Clients are unable to pay their staff
  • Clients are unable to pay the VAT or have PAYE liability
  • Time-to-pay arrangements have failed
  • Rent is in arrears


  • Our aim is to help you retain your client’s business so that you can maintain an on-going relationship
  • We help you spot warning signs early and provide a contingency plan for your clients in financial difficulty, which in turn will help you protect your future fee income
  • We can advise your clients with all kinds of insolvency and liquidation procedures including maximising Entrepreneurs’ relief under a Members’ Voluntary Liquidation
  • We will keep you informed of any relevant progress when working with your clients.